How can you create a successful organic social media strategy for your healthcare organization? Join Healthcare Success’ Netania Le and Larissa Town to find out. When you attend, you’ll discover:
Netania Le
Senior Marketing Specialist
Larissa Town
Senior Account Manager
* The following transcript is computer generated and may contain errors.
Netania Le
Okay. Welcome to the webinar. This is Organic Social Media in Health Care, a Healthcare Success webinar led by Netania Le and Larissa Town. We're so excited that you're able to join us today. So we have a packed agenda for the next hour. we're going to start off with intro and then the what, why and how.
Netania Le
So what is organic social, why it matters. And then how to create an engaging social media presence. We'll follow that up with best practices and tips to success. And then we'll end it with a creative showcase and then a Q&A section. this webinar is being recorded, so if you need to leave early, we will send the recording after the webinar is done and then Q&A is at the end.
Netania Le
So if you have any questions throughout the webinar, feel free to type in the chat and we'll make sure to address them at the end of the webinar. So introduction. So Healthcare Success. We are a health care marketing agency. We have where health care marketing experts in virtually every aspect of marketing, SEO, branding, social media, you name it, we are led by our CEO, Stewart Gandolf, and we practice what we preach through it.
Netania Le
Post it on social media that he is vacationing in the UK with his family. but I know he'll watch this webinar recording afterwards. And, sure, it has a very engaging social media presence on LinkedIn. so feel free to follow him. I know he'll appreciate that, but, he is not here with us today, but, but, it is led today by me, Netania and Larissa.
Netania Le
So a little bit about me. you may have recognized me from the previous paid social webinar, and I'm kind of just the social media girl I healthcare success I had paid social campaign I oversee are all organic social projects. I started doing health care marketing. or I got into the healthcare marketing world by being a marketing intern at Pacific Dental Services, a large dental service organization, and I've just stayed in healthcare marketing ever since, and I built my way up to doing health care, social media, and health healthcare success, which is the dream role I want.
Netania Le
I've always wanted to do social media, and for me to finally have made it in healthcare. Social media is just a dream role for me, so I'm really thankful for healthcare success, for seeing the skill sets in me that I can to take on this role. And then. Larissa.
Larissa Town
Yeah. Hi everybody. I'm Larissa, I'm a senior account manager here at Healthcare Success. Prior to joining Healthcare Success, I've also had a lot of experience in managing different social media campaigns and also organic social, many for large scale hospitals and other health care organizations. So Netania invited me to discuss a little bit of my business, or rather best practices for social media engagement and that we'll touch on today.
Larissa Town
I'm really excited just to be a part of this. So thanks for having and the time to take out of your day to, to share with us.
Netania Le
So what is organic social? We thought it would be helpful to to understand what is organic social. We thought it would be helpful to compare it to what is paid social. So, organic social versus paid. We often see the, people get confused on organic versus paid social media. So we wanted to clarify the differences between the two.
Netania Le
So organic social media, it's free. So think of it as you go on Instagram. You post a photo of yourself, you share it to your feed and your followers. That's for you to do. The social media platforms don't charge you to post online. same of your to run a company social media profile. So the pros of organic social media supports your brand and reputation online and makes your brand more trustworthy.
Netania Le
If you have a social media presence online and it gives your patients a place, an easy place to find you and support you, so that helps create patient loyalty and referrals and makes it easier for a patient to share with their family and friends your business. And and that helps create referrals. Build and demonstrate thought leadership. It allows you to set yourself as the expert in your specialty.
Netania Le
If you're consistently sharing medically accurate blogs articles, your thoughts on medical news like that shows that you're a leader in your space. People should go to you as the expert. People should do business for you, with you. shows you your culture to prospective employees. A lot of people, when they apply to job, they look at a company's social media page before applying, so allows you to paint your brand as a positive place.
Netania Le
It allows you to paint your brand company culture very positively, and allows you to show your company culture in the way that you want to tell your story. and lastly, a lot of SEO expert s believe that social signals, we're talking about likes, comment shares that helps increase online page visibility and page rank. so a lot of SEO experts believe it indirectly supports our SEO efforts in that sense.
Netania Le
Cons is that building a large engage following is challenging and can take years. it's not as easy as you create a Facebook page, and while you get 100,000 followers the next day, it's not that easy. Requires an investment of time to do well. An investment of you telling yourself, I'm going to commit to, ongoing, frequent quality posts for a lifetime, to even have a chance to build a large following.
Netania Le
And even once you get that following, you'll notice a lot of your following is current patients and employees, aka people who already know you, prospective patients and employees. Yes. They go to your page and evaluated, but your following, you'll notice, is really current patients and employees. that's who's supporting your brand. You converted them. So, and with that, the algorithm only shows your posts to 2 to 4% of your followers.
Netania Le
And it's a very competitive algorithm and organic social because is free. Because it's free. Thousands of posts and content is being shared every day. And social media platforms the algorithm has is so that people see their family and friends content first before brands and businesses. So first you're competing with people's family and friends, and then second, if you do, if you do, if the post does show on people's feed, the algorithm has to do it as relevant to that person looking at the post.
Netania Le
So if it's not deemed as relevant to, that certain follower, it won't show on their feet. So it's really competitive. And that's why we say that the algorithm only really shows it to 2 to 2 to 4% of your followers and all that take into account it's really hard with just organic social to, recruit new patients and significant number.
Netania Le
And it should be part of your integrated marketing strategy. Organic social should not be the only marketing you're doing for your business. and paid social media on the other hand, is in the name it's paid. So you're paying the social media platform and telling them who your target audience is, so that they can put ads out to your target audience.
Netania Le
this is very cost effective on a cost per exposure basis, because most of the time you're only paying when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. So if someone sees your ad, clicks on, you're adding lands on your website. That's a win for you. You're getting great awareness and brand exposure there, but even if someone just sees your ad, you get that impression and they don't click on it.
Netania Le
That's still a win for you because that's brand awareness. They found out about your brand that and now you're top of mind. and as excellent as scaling quickly, as soon as you launch your paid social campaign, the page, the social media platform pushes that to your target audience instantly and it reaches it can reach thousands of people instantly as soon as you launch your campaign and, extremely targetable.
Netania Le
When we say that, we mean, we're able to target by gender, location, age, household income. So you can really reach exactly who you need to on paid social, versus organic social. You can't, since we're not paying for it on an organic, you can't tell the social media platform who your target audience is. But you do have that opportunity on paid, content page.
Netania Le
Social media is often less direct ROI than page search. So page search, the most popular being Google Ads, is a bottom of funnel channel bottom of funnel, meaning people at that stage are ready to convert. If someone's searching for dentist near me on Google Ads, they click their first ad. They're more hot. They're more likely to convert than if they just see our ad on social media.
Netania Le
So, page social is more push marketing. People are not, people are not necessarily actively searching like they are in Google ads, with paid social. But we're pushing our ads to them so that where top of mind and they discover us. and then cons is requires a skilled campaign manager. This is so you get the most bang for your buck and you're not wasting ad spend.
Netania Le
It is actually, It's not. You launch the campaign and you set and forget it. It does require someone to go in there every week, make optimizations, see, do ab test, see what works for your business. So that's the cons there. And why does organic social media matter? so we have some charts in the next slides.
Netania Le
so one organic social matters because it's where brand discovery happens. so percentage of internet users who typically find out about new brands or products, ads on social media hold their weight. So 31% since but the percentage change is really interesting because, 40% of people, there's been a 40% increase of people who discover, the brand via ads since the pandemic.
Netania Le
And right below that, 36% increase, people who discover a brand on social media through just organic social media posts. So you can see why the combo of both running pay social and organic social is really powerful. it's really where P brand discovery happens. If your brand is not on social media, you're missing out on people discovering you and finding out about you.
Netania Le
So, a lot of people are using social media or declare that social media is where they find out about new brand and product. And if you don't even have a social media profile created, you're missing out on a huge chunk of people discovering you and internet usage. another reason why organic social so important is that people are on their phones so much every day, specifically on social media.
Netania Le
So you read this chart from left to right, and it has the, the different age groups here. But, so Gen Z, the white one, is saying Gen Z is on their phones for three hours and five minutes, at the beginning of the pandemic. But nowadays Gen Z is on their phones three hours and one minute.
Netania Le
So Gen Z is the only one who's actually had a decrease in minutes, they spend on their phones since the pandemic. And the reason for that is Gen Z is the age group that's most likely to be aware of the negative mental and mental health impact of being on your phones too much, or being on social media too much.
Netania Le
interestingly, the age group that has the biggest increase in minutes since, the pandemic to now is baby boomers, began a pandemic. Baby boomers were on their phone for about one hour and four minutes, but nowadays they're on their phones for one hour and 13 minutes. So they've had a nine minute increase since the pandemic. So if your target audience is older, Gen X and baby boomers, it's been the trend the past few years.
Netania Le
they're that they've been using social media more and more each year. They're the minutes they've used. Social media has been increasing year over year. So, if your target audience is older, it is an a great opportunity to opportunity for you to jump into social media, to reach them and leading platform usage amongst the different age groups.
Netania Le
So Facebook still leads the pack. This has been the trend. Every year I see Facebook leads the pack as, the most used social media platform. And the reason because of that is it's just it's one of the most established and oldest platforms. So Facebook I believe, has over 2 billion users, which is a lot more than the newer platforms such as Tik Tok or, Snapchat or so you'll notice what's interesting the top three platform for each age group.
Netania Le
It's interchangeable between Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. And those are platforms I know our health care systems we recommend to, for clients to run on, because it just reaches all, all the age groups, Instagram, where we tend to say is for younger people. And that holds true, that Gen Z is number one most, most favorite social media platforms.
Netania Le
But, the trend of Facebook leading the pack, like I mentioned, has been a trend the past few years. And, it's cool that even Gen Z, like Facebook, is their number three preferred platform. So even the misconception that Gen Z is in on Facebook is not true like they are on Facebook, just not as often as our millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers.
Netania Le
And then, one last point is social media is being used as a search engine, specifically amongst younger generations. So we see this more with Gen Z millennials and Gen Alpha's not here, but with the younger generations. We're seeing this more and more, social media being used as a search engine and people, a good percentage of people actually preferring social media over like Google ads, Bing ads as their main source of, like finding out information.
Netania Le
so again, the idea of brand discovery, if you have a social media presence, when people are searching on social media, you want to show up, people are using it as a search engine, and I can see this trend continue to stay true throughout, the years. And I'll pass it on to Larissa now to do, to explain how to create an engaging social media presence.
Larissa Town
Yeah. Thank you. Antonia. So, Netania, some great background and groundwork for us to kind of then let's discuss a little bit more. Where do we start? So first we want to lay the groundwork for a strong online presence, digging into some of the best practices for social media strategy here. So first of all, lay the foundation, to lay the foundation, we want to start with our objectives.
Larissa Town
So get specific in the goals for your specific marketing and social media marketing needs. Are you looking for more brand awareness, increasing patient engagement? Are you looking to drive more appointments or website clicks? Those ideas and primary objectives and even secondary objectives will be the first step to establishing your foundation here. Next, once you kind of have the objectives outlined, you'll want to look into what your KPIs are going to be.
Larissa Town
So these key performance indicators are going to help you understand how well your content is performing and the types of engagement that you're getting. You might want to look at KPIs such as how many followers you're gaining over a certain amount of time, engagement rate, how many clicks likes, what percentage of your following is actually engaging with your posts, and what type of engagement are you saying?
Larissa Town
Make sure that those goals are realistic based on what where your profile currently stands. And remember that you can always build on your KPIs as you grow your account. If you're not really sure which, KPIs or what KPIs are really realistic and may look different depending on how much history your profile has, how many followers you currently have, the overall health of your profile, leveraging your marketing team or online resources such as Hootsuite are really great to help determine they have great tools to help determine realistic KPIs for you based on where you are at currently in your social media journey.
Larissa Town
the next thing to really identify is knowing your audience. It's likely that you already have this identified at least somewhat. maybe you have several audience types, maybe you have one overarching primary audience focus on the biggest one. First, if you have some audience that are more engaged on social media, maybe those are some also consider but your biggest demo, your largest following capabilities, at least inventory wise, that's what you need to be focused on there.
Larissa Town
Considering your audience. What age group are they? what age group are you trying to reach? What social media platforms do they frequent? are they already engaged on what sort of content related to the health is relevant to them as well? Those are all really big things and topics to consider when identifying your audience. Then you'll go into building and optimizing your profile.
Larissa Town
So if you did your homework on those last two points that I just made, you'll better understand what social channels are relevant to you and your brand and will help you meet your objectives and goals there. So if you're interested in sharing long form content, to someone, maybe exploring a recent diagnosis, YouTube would be a great opportunity for you there.
Larissa Town
if you want to be more of top of mind, the mom who is like scrolling in the middle of the night in between feedings, her newborn Instagram or Facebook are also awesome opportunities for that as well. But whatever it is, make sure you stick to it and you start to build your profile because it does take some time.
Larissa Town
As Muthoni has previously mentioned, you're not going to wake up one day and have a thousand followers unless you put out an incredibly viral piece. another really important thing is to ensure your bio clearly highlights your services and your expertise. Having some keywords in your profile can be really helpful. Just like SEO with organic search, your bio is kind of utilized with those keywords.
Larissa Town
People are going to be searching certain keywords in their, you know, Instagram search bar. You're more likely to show up if you have those keywords in your bio. You don't want to stuff the bio, but things that are relevant to you your expertise, specialties, qualifications, all of those things are really helpful. Also, you want to list your website or have a list, link in bio tools such as Linktree.
Larissa Town
either way, you want to ensure your contact information is readily available to anyone looking at your profile.
Larissa Town
The next thing to do is create some quality content. how do we do that? So first I want to establish, content calendar. This is a crucial element to a strong social media, strategy here. Your calendar is going to act as a visualization tool. So and to help this helps you plan out the types of content.
Larissa Town
Every showcasing how your profile looks esthetically side by side with each post that you're going to be doing. and then most importantly, it's going to help you plan out posts in advance so that you're more likely to stay consistent with your posting. One of the most, one of the most often asked questions is how often should I post?
Larissa Town
And you know, that question is always kind of it depends. It depends on the type of content you're putting out. It depends on the intention of the content. Is it more informational? Is it more brand awareness? Is it highlighting a holiday or special event? and most importantly, and I'll drill this home all day, is the quality the quality of your content is going to be the biggest thing to consider.
Larissa Town
Instagram, TikTok, Facebook those types of platforms have a much shorter shelf life for your content. Rather than, say, YouTube or Reddit posts, meaning that you will have to post more often than to feed the algorithm than say, YouTube to garner more engagement. You're more likely to get long term engagement over YouTube video as people are just searching.
Larissa Town
It kind of lives a little bit longer on the platform. Whereas Facebook, TikTok, the algorithm, the feed, it's changing pretty rapidly. All in all, and just develop a cadence that's manageable for your team to produce some quality content, including high impact visuals and those types of things. When we're discussing what type of content we want to be featuring, some types of content do perform better on certain platforms, but I would always say, don't be afraid to mix it up.
Larissa Town
see what your audience engages with it. Maybe try different types of content. You don't have to stick to the same thing every time. Some examples of content listed here. educational content. All of these do really well in the healthcare industry sphere. Educational content sharing informational posts on relevant medical topics. Latest health care research, preventative care tips.
Larissa Town
that may be seasonal, human centered content. This is more of your, engaging with your employers or your employees, rather, or people who are active patients featuring maybe your healthcare team, your, sharing some patient success stories as long as they are active, compliant and, you know, approved, offering some behind the scenes glimpses into the more into your work environment kind of a day in the life sort of situation.
Larissa Town
Those types of things tend to garner a lot of engagement with people who are already super fans of your brand. Interactive content is another awesome opportunity to get some engagement. It tends to work better with people, profiles that already have a good following, a good amount of engagement. But I would say there's definitely opportunities to incorporate this into even newer profiles, as getting a little bit of engagement on young accounts is really the way to start.
Larissa Town
having the algorithm prioritize your content over others ways to do interactive content, hosting live Q&A sessions with, say, a doctor or a nurse on staff, encouraging discussions through polls in your stories or feeds on health topics, maybe, or even running contests to boost engagement, you know, like and share this post and you'll have a $25 gift card to your dermatology next dermatology visit.
Larissa Town
Those types of things are really great ways to get some more engagement. There. All in all, you want to be just focused on some visually appealing content. So utilizing high quality images infographics are fantastic for this. And mixing it up with some patient educational videos, anything that can kind of grab attention and make information digestible to your audience.
Larissa Town
The biggest thing that we want to really focus on to here is finding your voice and being authentic. And you, whatever you is. Your brand is, Being professional and informative yet approachable can be a little bit of a fine line and fine balance to find. But all in all, you want to strive to be informational and engaging with your content while also adhering to the health care guidelines and avoiding medical jargon that can kind of muddy up the waters and make it a little less, attainable for other people to come across.
Larissa Town
That may not be using those terms all the time. Social media is such a great tool and opportunity for us to get in front of our audience in a much more intimate space, and we've ever been able to before. so it really should not be something we take for granted, but this is a tool that we can use to tune in with our audience, an audience that is in tune with you can sniff out inauthenticity.
Larissa Town
and at the worst, they will call you out publicly. We've all seen those armchair detectives that are just ruthless on online at the best, they will unfollow you and disengage, which is also not great for social media. So showing up for your audience in an appropriately authentic way, while also being transparent as much as you can, you know, realistically, be will help establish trust and credibility for your brand.
Larissa Town
Here. So in the background, the baseline kind of figured out. Now we need to figure out what platforms we're using. So choosing the right platform you know you can't really go wrong. But they kind of can at the same time. So we want to focus on consistency here. It's key. We want to make sure that we're not spreading ourselves too thin.
Larissa Town
so first kind of choose the platforms that your audience may already be actively engaged. And maybe you have a historical account that already has some followers that you haven't been posting on. If you're starting fresh, consider which platforms your audience is already most likely to be utilizing. and focus on that first. Each platform does offer different features, so those features help for different needs of people, demographics, ages, you know, all those types of things.
Larissa Town
So understanding those features will help determine which platform is best for your brand. Some different platforms that we can look at here. here's a quick list of some of the most popular platforms at the top. On a high level, you'll see familiar icons Facebook, which is lumped in with Instagram. It's known as meta AI. Both of these platforms are great for a myriad of different content types education, brand awareness, cultivating an online community.
Larissa Town
There. LinkedIn is where it's at for the B2B people. businesses use LinkedIn for employer branding, B2B marketing, and content related to their industry. Here. Reddit is also known as the Millennial Search Engine, is another community building platform, offers a ton of information and a thread forum format. A lot of engagement. There as well. TikTok, YouTube, and threads.
Larissa Town
Threads is Meta's version of Twitter. It's a bit of a newer platform, but it has garnered quite a bit of engagement so far and popularity over the past. I think it's been out for about a year now. they're all popular platforms here. for people seeking information, establishing community around personal health care, TikTok is more focused on the short form content, with a strong presence among younger demographics.
Larissa Town
And increasingly, we'll see. We're seeing more millennials and Gen X migrating over to TikTok. YouTube is the second largest social media platform across all of our social media platforms, and a go to for businesses looking to demo their products, their services, and share educational content. So these are just kind of a high level of some of the platforms, some of their benefits and maybe one fits your brand and you should start with that.
Larissa Town
When we're looking at creatives for our socials, you know, that's kind of the next step. This is really what the people are going to be seeing, what people are going to be engaging with, some of the essentials that we want to be focused on for our creative is staying on brand, your brand, your voice, and you're following your guidelines.
Larissa Town
Maybe you already have a brand guideline. Great. Let's let's use it. if you don't have one yet and it's just scratching the surface, ensuring your social media creative aligns with your overall brand identity, whether it's just a logo and colors that you have or a full blown brand kit that'll help ensure and create some credibility for your brand.
Larissa Town
Here. Customizing your messaging and graphics to each medium. This is something we'll dive into in a little bit. I have some examples for you. but cross cross posting your content and by sharing it across different channels, it helps you recycle content that forms really well, maybe really relevant, but it's tailored to the specific mediums that the consumers will be seeing it on.
Larissa Town
Some examples or highlighting a new blog you've posted on your website on a trending topic, and highlighting that on an Instagram post or posting your TikTok videos to Instagram Reels YouTube shorts. Just don't be afraid to tailor and reuse content, especially if it's quality content. let's see what sticks. Understanding your brand persona. Does it have one yet?
Larissa Town
If not, let's develop one. Imagine your target audience as a real person. That's a great way to start, an understanding of what the personality is like. Are they funny, casual, serious, you know, those types of things. They're going to help you understand how to develop a voice and a tone of communication that really resonates with your audience.
Larissa Town
You're considering the specific platforms as well, or is important when you're developing a persona. So, for example, a light hearted tone might work better for TikTok. Instagram, while a more professional approach, is much better suited on, say, LinkedIn. Either way, engagements really key here. actively responding and engaging with comments, followers and accounts that you follow. Social listening.
Larissa Town
It's another thing you'll hear a lot of us talk about is the key to identifying trending health topics, tackling patient concerns that you may not really be seeing from an operational side. and participate in conversations tied and related to your brand here, paying close attention to what your audience engages with more, and test out different styles and trends as well.
Larissa Town
All in all, stick to engaging content. Start with strong opening statements in the first few seconds of the video or the first line of text. Use questions, listicles, surprising statements, intriguing visuals, anything that can pique your interest of your audience. and a great way to do that is investing in your quality, creative. So we all know this by now.
Larissa Town
People are just scrolling through their phone really quickly, and it takes a special piece of content to stop and stare. So people are drawn to these quality visuals using high quality images, infographics, videos that are relevant to your consumers. Consider using a consistent visual style, whether that's a color palette, frames, templates, anything simple that you can just tie in a cohesive look, for to build brand awareness and recognition as well.
Netania Le
so you heard Larissa and I mentioned the word engagement a lot throughout the webinar, and we really wanted to emphasize how important engagement is in social media and why is vital to success. so engagement is what makes social media social is the idea that people can like, comment, share, and we're creating conversations or participate in this online forum.
Netania Le
That's what makes social media social without engagement. It's not social media at that point. It's just like you're sending an email out and that's it. so the value of social media is the fact that we're creating a community where people trust you enough to participate, to support you, to want to do business with you. So, be 100% to be committed to building engagement or don't bother, so be 100% committed as that meaning to.
Netania Le
If you only have the bandwidth for one platform to post ongoing high quality posts, then only commit to one platform is far better to build a community on one platform than to spread yourself thin, so it's not like you should. It's not like you can post once a year. And that's not like if you want an engaging social media presence, you have to be committed to frequent, ongoing, high quality posts.
Netania Le
so key to growing followers. some things we mentioned already post frequently concentrate on a select number social media channel, responding to people's comment. And then, one thing we haven't discussed yet is tagging businesses and influencers to increase your exposures. So the fact that we can tag other businesses and influencers with, with large followings on your own posts, that's such a great way for exposure because people following, those influencers are the businesses you tag now, they're now they'll expose and aware of your business because you simply tag them.
Netania Le
something I've seen done really well is Instagram collaboration pose. So that's where you're sharing a post on your feed that is also being shared, that you're collabing with another business and that business you collab with that post, is being shared on their feet as well. So you're going to exposure to that business and influencers followers, and getting awareness and exposure there.
Netania Le
So any way you can collab with other businesses or influencers or just even simply tag them, that's a great way to grow your followers and create valuable content. So this slide is just more example of, the valuable healthcare content ideas that you can create for your own channels. we often see when we audit social media, health care, social media profiles, we often see profile shows updating people on their hours or just sharing their staff's birthdays.
Netania Le
And yes, that's important to share these updates. But what's really important, if you're not already sharing, is content of value to your audience. And what that means in a health care space means share it. Combating misinformation. So if you can, there's so much misinformation online and health care people are there's so much content being posted every day. and if you can be the trusted source that combats health care misinformation, people are more likely to trust you and do business with you.
Netania Le
staying on top of current health issues and providing helpful information. A good example of this is the pandemic. If you, during that time, were to share a post about Covid 19 and helpful information about that to your followers, they would really they would really appreciate that again, is all about being that trustworthy source so that people want to do business for you.
Netania Le
and then provide informative content that connects an audience to resources. There are some health issues out there that people are embarrassed to talk about to their providers. maybe it's about contraceptives. If you're if you post a social media post providing helpful information about contraceptives, for example, that can really resonate with an audience and really show that, show them that you care about their health, that you're you're a public health servant.
Netania Le
You're serving the community by providing them these resources. So these are a type of valuable content that has value to the audience, because it gives them information that they might have not known before. it makes you more trustworthy as a brand. And it's nice that this type of content, they're not being sold to, you're just providing them resources, information that benefits them and makes them want to follow you.
Netania Le
and then last point, remember, video and images are typically far more engaging than simple text posts. And the reason for that is just simply adding a video image to your post. It gives another place for people to create a conversation about or connect with, engage with patients and the public. How do we engage with the patients through social media?
Netania Le
One after you establish your profile, encourage patients to follow your social media to get important updates. A great way to build up your followings. we already mentioned responding to comments and messages promptly. And then, promoting patients testimonials and reviews. This is a really powerful type of content that you can share and gets patients engage because it shows real life example of exactly the procedure you're offering, the product you're offering.
Netania Le
So leveraging social media to share testimonials, case studies, before and after photos, we tend to see really good engagement with those photos because it gives the audience something to relate to. And, it gives them an opportunity to connect, connect and relate to and see exactly what your business offers. and then HIPAA compliant, because we're in health care, we should always, have hipa compliance in mind.
Netania Le
we recommend consulting a lawyer if you're unsure of any issues of compliance, if you're unsure about a comment you're going to pose, or if it's HIPAA compliant or not, like we recommend consulting a lawyer. But some starting tips we have is photos of patients requires their signed consent. If you're sharing that on social media, if you're a pharma brand, remember you need to, provide disclosure risk.
Netania Le
And then, when you're commenting, we do encourage you to respond to comments, but when you're commenting, make sure you're not confirming that someone is a patient or not when you're commenting on social media. And then nine more tips to success one. Support from leadership and stakeholders. So, getting support from leadership that organic social media is worth the time and investment is huge.
Netania Le
gain commitment for resources. So finding that person that can move the many moving parts of organic social media, it's really important to just have at least one person, hey, you're the organic social media person. You're going to move for many moving parts and push this forward. and that's a resource of time or, and or money, audit efforts and optimize profiles.
Netania Le
So, when you're recommitting yourself to building and engage in social media presence, really look at what you've done in the past and what worked and what didn't and what post got you likes, comments, reactions? What post didn't get any engagement? and then audit past efforts as well. it's really that whole social listening aspect.
Netania Le
What are people commenting about? was video more engaging than image? optimized profile. Make sure, like Laura mentioned, everything's fully filled out. You include your contact info. Just making sure is filled out to the max. And number four, it's so easy with the tools we have nowadays to be on social media, provide images and videos to your posts.
Netania Le
So Canva makes it super easy to for you to produce good creative that you can share. I remember that post with images and videos are far more engaging than just a simple text post, and even with AI nowadays is so easy to get good quality creative that you can add on with your posts so that you can create conversation.
Netania Le
Make it have a point of connection for people to want to engage with your content. We mentioned responding to comments a lot. six CS a social media posting program to automate this. sprout social, Hootsuite, HubSpot. These are examples of popular social media posting programs. What it allows you to do is, it allows you to schedule your social media posts in advance, and it allows you to just scale this whole organic social media effort, utilize internal sources as subject matter experts.
Netania Le
this is kind of like if you were to go to me and Larissa and says, hey, what? What platform do you think my clients should run on? How can I optimize their profile? etc.. Eight create a social media policies for employees. This outlines what the what is acceptable for employees to post on social media, whether it would be on their personal profiles or if they're helping run your company social media profile.
Netania Le
we recommend you search online for Mayo Clinic social media policy to help you get started and inspired on what should be part of your social media policies. So Mayo Clinic has a really great, social media policy that we encourage people to look at, to get inspired, and to help you get started. And then nine, the idea of organic social should not be your main source of marketing.
Netania Le
if you coincided with social ads, that really helps you get success with social media by having this integrated marketing approach of social ads and organic social, it's really powerful and will really help you increase, reach and see social media as a success. And then what healthcare can learn from success would be to see influencers. So there are successful health care influencers out there.
Netania Le
these are 1 in 1,000,000, but there are successful healthcare influencers out there. And, they when looking at health, successful healthcare influencers, there's tends to be, trends we see that made them successful. So we wanted to just highlight, a successful B2C influencer and health career and what made them successful. So one example is doctor Mike.
Netania Le
So he has a huge following over 21 million people on TikTok and Instagram. He's really, hone in on short form video content, short form vertical video content, which tends to do really well on TikTok and Instagram. He wanted to reach a younger population, so he chose TikTok and Instagram, and then his whole content is really about combating the spread of misinformation online, which we highlighted is a really engaging topic in healthcare.
Netania Le
So he was really committed to posting high quality ongoing posts. and now he's super successful as a healthcare influencer. If you wanted to be a healthcare influencer or even have a chance of getting such a large following, what doctor Mike and other successful healthcare influencers did was one they they're so passionate about organic social that they when we say passion is table stakes, they're not.
Netania Le
They were okay with the risk of putting their quality, putting their post out there at the risk of not gaining any following. They were just so passionate about, about sharing the healthcare content on organic social that they didn't care. They were willing for the risk of not not gaining a following. They didn't come with intention. Like, I'm going to be a healthcare influencer and get 21 million followers.
Netania Le
They just got lucky and they were so passionate about what they did. They were 100% committed to ongoing quality posts and something that, we recommend is humor. When possible. so if you can inject humor into your post, it really surprises and delight your audience. It helps keep it interesting and help keep it real. So, again, no one likes to be sold to.
Netania Le
So I think with examples like doctor Mike as an influencer, he is just so authentic in the content he creates. He keeps it real. He tells you the facts, he keeps his video engaging. he does a variety of content, so it's not boring. So, and at the end of the day, he or she is 100% committed and passionate to creating an organic social media presence.
Netania Le
And for him, he went viral and it worked out. So, to that point, it's just really just being 100% committed to organic social and seeing it as something that can have long term success. And with that, we have a creative showcase that larissa's going to lead.
Larissa Town
Yeah. So, you know, we've talked a lot about creative, what quality content is, how to use different, the same type of content on different channels, what that may look like. So here's some examples that we've just kind of, wanted to share today. So the first example is Mayo Clinic. This is a really great example of a strong organic social channel that focuses on a mix of different content pieces, and they're also active on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok breads, I'm sure more, but recycling content is something that they do really well and that's tailored to each platform that they're on.
Larissa Town
So here we can see, this is their Instagram grid with a well-developed bio at the top. So quick access to popular topics in their highlights. So those little icons you see each showcase different things that they've previously had featured in their stories. and then recently we can see that they've posted some new emerging health technology, and is celebrating the newest batch of healthcare workers entering the workforce, the Mayo Clinic, celebrating the class of 2024, and a quick video that they've dubbed, the Mayo Clinic Minute.
Larissa Town
So they have a little bit of a theme going on here. And maybe this is, a weekly monthly trending topic that they feature different topics about, discussing ways to prevent disease during tick season and which is incredibly relevant to the emerging summer months that we have coming up. So this is a really great example of a strong profile that's been built out.
Larissa Town
They have a huge following. I'm sure due in part to their social media strategy as well. The next piece that we have is actually something that, healthcare success has taken part of. So clear choice and and care well are two multi-location urgent care clinics in the northeast. We've very recently developed a new social media strategy for them and started rolling out some new content with the goal to get engagement and be top of mind when their audience has an urgent health care matter.
Larissa Town
One of the things that we've focused on is getting some more engagement from their employees as well, and creating a nice little bit of a morale boost and just overall culture. at the, at these organizations. So we've created some social graphics that highlight some of their staff, which will be posted to social media as well as the newsletter.
Larissa Town
So here you can see kind of what the social graphics may look like. we'll have different formats just depending on if it's an Instagram, if it's on LinkedIn and then on the far right, you'll see what the actual newsletter is. There's two stacks of the each blog that is featuring a specific, staff member. And then you can click on the link and go right to their website.
Larissa Town
So there's different tracking metrics that we can put in place here to determine how well they've done engagement wise, outside of the social media realm. More on the newsletter side of things. and really just driving home some more engagement and brand awareness here. My next thing to highlight is a gentleman called Therapy Jet. That's his handle on, Billy TikTok.
Larissa Town
So he's another example of recycling content from Instagram, TikTok tailoring it to different mediums. So on the left hand side, we can see the TikTok videos that he has is kind of his his grid. you'll notice kind of a scene here of quick lines of text that capture the audience's attention. Notice how the shortest text messages have the most engagement.
Larissa Town
So ten signs are in a healthy relationship or happy stupid Mother's Day. Those have the most engagement out of all the other posts. these are highly shareable bits of content, increasing your your, chances of engagement here on the right hand side, it's the same exact content, same video. The only difference is it's tailored for Instagram.
Larissa Town
So he's created a bit of a thumbnail, video just or sorry thumbnail text post to highlight what the video is about. So rather than one featuring his face, this is actually just a text post with follow up quickly followed by the video. this is just tailored for Instagram, where infographics perform better than they do on TikTok.
Larissa Town
Both platforms have great user engagement here and that very strong following, but this is just a great example of how easily tailor and kind of transition in our content to fit the medium that it's on.
Netania Le
And then another example is a project we worked at a Healthcare Success center, Gen X, as a low to, multi-location low and weight loss clinic. And our creative team did a beautiful job presenting, this organic social presentation to them. And what's really cool is, synergy. Our creative team used the X in Sooner Gen X as a recurring motif throughout their organic social.
Netania Le
Another cool thing is that the images they chose are creative team. It gives a point of conversation for people. It allows people to relate to that. Maybe someone is really into snowboarding and they see the snowboarding image. Now they're excited about the brand or they want to learn more. it also gives calls to action one like take the test, take the quiz, find that out today.
Netania Le
That's something of value, value to the reader that makes them want to engage. It gives them a call to action to do. And then, utilizing the same color palette that energetics presented us, our creative team was able to use it and just present it and each, and each post so that it's a cohesive brand experience.
Netania Le
And next slide again, we practice what we preach. So healthcare success, we we found our niche and our blogs. We found people were so engaged in the blogs, rural people enjoyed the content we wrote with the blogs that we produced weekly. And so we started promoting that on social media and also found engagement there. So our creative team, they create beautiful graphics each week when we when we publish our blog and we share that on social media.
Netania Le
And it's been doing really well. And also, because we're sticking to one creative team as a very cohesive brand experience, to see it on the feed and then. Larissa will end with how to work with your agency.
Larissa Town
Yeah. So, you know, all all of us to say we've given you a lot of information and it's often overwhelming for one person to do on their own. You know, it's not really the role of an in-house marketer to do everything that they have to do and then run a really successful organic social media campaign. so there are opportunities to work with an agency.
Larissa Town
And here's some of the kind of roll. This is kind of how a role would work out for an in-house in an agency collaboration. Here. So often what we do is when we're working with in-house marketing teams, we've been with our clients as we'll share with them content to provide approvals for that may be input on topics, visuals and messaging.
Larissa Town
they'll give us the updates on day to day organic activities. So is there a new service that you're offering? are you doing a ribbon cutting for a new location? Those types of things. Let us know about them and we can highlight them for you. Photos from events. You know, we're a virtual agency for a lot of people, so we're not going to be we don't have the luxury of being on site for every, every day and getting those little nuances, and small glimpses of the behind the scenes.
Larissa Town
So photos from events and office photos, those types of things are really helpful for us to come off as authentic, come off as as transparent, or without taking up so much of the bandwidth, from your team posts when engaging content is available, too, sometimes there's just something really quick that your team is going to want to put out that's super relevant and time sensitive.
Larissa Town
That's a great opportunity for them to just put a quick post out there. and then responding to patient comments, you know, you really do understand your business more than we do. and the grand scheme of things. And so there's a lot of nuances there. So having someone on your team that can actually monitor the comments, respond and then give that feedback in live time to your operational team is a really helpful way to keep that engagement active and live on your on your page, the agency side of things.
Larissa Town
We do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. So the creating and managing a content calendar, understanding which topics are going to be relevant and trending, upcoming, creating some foundational posts, the ones that are really going to get some engagement that have beautiful, creative, really thoughtful content and copy, related to that and creating and managing some boosted content, whether that's more of an organic, trending, battle boosting side of things or not.
Larissa Town
identifying those trends and opportunities, you know, trends are very quick, quick turnaround. So someone that can just really focus on something that's emerging, capitalize on it and put out some new quality content based on that trend. and then establishing and tracking your KPIs. we work with a lot of different social media platforms. We understand the health care benchmarks better than anyone else.
Larissa Town
So letting us establish and track your KPIs against how you've been performing and against industry benchmarks will really give us an idea of how we can continue to to engage and, grow your account as we are working on different platforms here. So in collaboration, there's a lot we can do with an in-house marketing team or even just a sole person who's kind of taken on the marketing hat for their, their, brand.
Netania Le
And with that, that is the end of our webinars. So we did want to leave a little bit of time for Q&A. if anyone had any questions. let me.
Netania Le
Larissa, I can't really see.
Larissa Town
Yeah, we have one question here. if someone's asking, like, hashtags, are they still relevant? Do we still use them? That's a great question. I actually was just looking into this the other day. There's a lot of back and forth on hashtags on if they're relevant or not. You'll see posts with like 20 hashtags that are just kind of like spammy.
Larissa Town
And then sometimes you'll see Google use just a single hashtag. And if Google's using it, I mean, that's a pretty good indicator that there's some relevancy still there. I was just speaking to someone who was working on a Instagram panel. They actually had the luxury of speaking to someone who works directly with Instagram and the algorithm on Instagram, and they got to ask a few questions, and one of them was pertaining to hashtags, and the consensus was essentially hashtags are still relevant, they're still useful.
Larissa Town
You just want to make sure they're niche. So we want hashtags that are specific to what you're talking about, whether that's like a specific sort of treatment, or a location, even your brand. So, you know, if you are at an urgent care clinic using your your brand name as a hashtag that helps people search you and find more content that's related to the specific hashtags, you do want to keep it limited to no more than, I think like 1 to 3 hashtags really narrowing it down to just a couple.
Larissa Town
But it was interesting to find that it is still a relevant tool, even though we have heard some rumblings of people stepping away from it a little bit. So great question. There.
Netania Le
And then another question. Thoughts on video. so we always thoughts on video on social media. So we always eye health curious as as we say video is king on social media. If you're not if you don't have any video content we really encourage you to get some video content out. And I think and my son intimidated to get video content, but even a simple animation or a simple graphic, even if it's only five second, that still counts as video to the social media platforms.
Netania Le
And the fact is, if you're putting video out, the algorithm is going to favor your content over someone who's just posting an image. So the best is a variety of content. So do an image video carousel, all of it. But just make sure that you have some type of motion in your social media, whether that's organic or paid.
Netania Le
like we said, video is king and will for sure get more engagement and the social media platforms will push it out more. So, any way you can get some motion into your content or your creative, it's really powerful.
Netania Le
And then, Larissa, we have questions. Talk about your typical client projects in organic social. So maybe talk about, the process. I know you work with a lot of organic social clients, so what is that like? it says average length of your organic social projects, so. More so like.
Larissa Town
Yeah. Yeah. So social organic. As we mentioned, there is really there's a few different ways we can approach it. but really you're looking for consistency here. So if you're looking for something that's more giving you a good foundational start and then your team's going to go take that and run with it, there's definitely opportunities for us to collaborate on that.
Larissa Town
and within a few months we can have a nice social media platform, established some content topics, some, templates kind of created. and then as far as our typical types of clients that we're seeing, we work with a lot of multi-location clinics. We work with very specific niche doctors. We work with, more service specific things as well.
Larissa Town
So if they're offering like weight loss clinics, or the testosterone that we, we showed just a few moments ago. So there really is a variety of clients and they all feature different needs as far as an organic social outreach is concerned. but that being said, the kind of the nuts and bolts of it are foundationally the same here, so please reach out.
Larissa Town
I'm more than happy to discuss this a little bit more specific to your, your brand and your needs as well.
Netania Le
I know we're just about at the top of the hour. So that concludes the Organic Social webinar. Thank you so much for attending. And if feel free to reach out to us at info our health care Cisco. Com again we will be sending the recording. But thank you so much for joining today. and we hope you have a great day.
Larissa Town
Thanks everybody.