Thomson Memory Centers
Case Study:

Thomson Memory Centers

Doctor referral building strategies (and a sparkly turquoise notebook) helped a single-doctor practice expand to 16 doctors in 8 locations.

Our partnership

When Dr. Christina Blodgett Dycus started Thomson Memory Centers in 2008, she had no idea how to approach the marketing. She was having mediocre success when she stumbled onto a DVD set by Healthcare Success founder Stewart Gandolf.

After attending a seminar in late 2008, Dr. Blodgett Dycus was motivated to get her practice on the map. Healthcare Success created collateral for Thomson Memory Centers that would result in their largest referral source.

Years later, we were thrilled to see Dr. Blodgett Dycus at our seminar again. She was ready to take her marketing to the next level but needed some help. After an onsite visit, we developed a customized marketing plan and followed it up with our popular Physician Liaison Training program.

Today, Dr. Blodgett Dycus frequently consults the sparkly turquoise notebook she used to take notes during our onsite. Our doctor referral building strategies continue to be a primary source of new patient volume for Thomson Memory Centers.

"That's when we got our #1 referral source. It made the difference in the practice."
Dr. Christina Blodgett-Dycus, Founder
Thomason Memory Center
The original sparkly notebook Dr. Blodgett-Dycus used to take notes during our onsite back—and her seminar notes

Finding an audience

Phase one for Thomson Memory involved simply getting their marketing off the ground. We helped launch their first website, and in 2009, Thomson Memory sent out a mailer to a large physician database. The new brochure, designed by Healthcare Success, was developed to target doctor referrals—and it worked.

“We’re primarily physician referred,” says Dr. Blodgett Dycus, “and it was like night and day. That’s when we got our #1 referral source. It made the difference in the practice.”

Advanced doctor referral building

A few years later, Thomson Memory Center was ready to take the marketing to the next level.

We developed a complete custom marketing plan, highlighting weak spots in their current referral building. For example, one neuropsychologist was responsible for about 20% of referrals, but the practice was doing almost nothing to maintain that relationship.

The team enrolled in our Physician Liaison Training program, headed by Director of Training Lori Waltz. “We had so much fun, and we immediately saw the ROI with the physician liaison training,” says Dr. Blodgett Dycus. The team credits this program for their continued success with doctor referrals to this day.

"I’m truly grateful to Healthcare Success for being willing to work with us. They took the time to adapt to the needs of our practice, and we go back to my notes from our meetings time and time again."
Dr. Christina Blodgett-Dycus
Founder of Thomson Memory Center
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