New Software Helps Keep Doctor Referrals From Getting Lost
When it comes to doctor referrals, most primary care offices either 1) hand their patients a piece of paper and HOPE they make an appointment with the specialist, or 2) fax the referral directly to the specialist's office.
The trouble is, up to 70% of patients never make their way to actually see the specialist.
Fear, lack of understanding or laziness can keep patients from making their own appointment, and faxes can easily get lost. Plus, there is no way for either the PCP or specialist to know what really happened to those referrals.
Today Stewart Gandolf, MBA interviewed Jonathan Govette, Founder or In contrast to Physician Liaison software (a subject for another day), GetReferralMD is a referral platform that connects both specialists and PCPs together.
Someday practice management and EMR systems will be integrated, but until then, stand alone solutions like GetReferralMD can help.